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Setting Sun Vol. I [Teaser] Page 8

  III.Constellics—The lowest rank of Demon Fighters. Their jobs are simple: do exactly as they’re told and never miss a training session. As they are at the bottom of the class, it's not surprising that some have trouble with their Thirst and are usually found tagging along with a Lunestal in times of distress. They can be identified by three five-pointed gold stars that are lined up in a triangular formation, on the front right side of their neck.

  Divinities—They are the creatures that serve under Lord Adonai and provide a helping hand to those He calls His children. Most have not been needed for millennia and have yet to make their appearance.

  Eastern Sphere—The City of Deris. That’s right. A city. Molded by marble stone, the Nebulanians have managed to make hundreds of makeshift skyscrapers. The place is known for its crowded streets and technological advancements. One of the most well known of landmarks in Deris is an enormous coliseum that housed challenges and fights to Nebulanians who wished to test their strength. Jet has always watched the tournaments on TV and traveled there with his family at times for big events. He has always wanted to go back. He should be careful what he wishes for. He might just get to.

  Euphorits—This handy gadget comes customary with every Demon Fighter apparel. It’s a grey wristwatch, but it doesn’t just tell time. It can contact other Demon Fighters, as well as many other things that have yet to be displayed.

  Gift—A Nebulanian term for the powers they receive at the age of sixteen. They revere the Gifts given to them and consider it their God’s way of blessing their existence. They would abhor any Nebulanian that does not have this confirmation, like Jet for instance…

  Heaven’s Bracelet—The prophesied instrument that would bring a Chosen to their true form. When a Chosen takes on their full form, they lose the wounds and ailments that they had in their original form. A word of caution: once the energy of a Chosen is used up or once the form takes on enough damage, they return to their previous body—and their previous injuries. While in their full form, they’re able to actually die in it. Their death will cause an explosion to occur around them, and they will return to their original appearance. But once this is done, the bracelet needs time to recover the second body from the thrashing it took. If a Chosen were to attempt to return to his true form prematurely, they run a risk as they do not know how badly injured their form may still be.

  Infernals—Almost like pets to Dark Demons. They come in all shapes and sizes—some humanoid, and some in the form of monstrous creatures, but each bears a reversed star on their foreheads. When a Dark Demon tears off their flesh, the Infernal is born by it. It does what its Dark Demon orders it to do and has what seems to be a telepathic connection to its master. They are known to bear similarities between its appearance and its master’s—some are obvious and others are subtler.

  Ingesting—A term used by Sacreds to define the taboo act of consuming sinister blood.

  Kingdom Academy—A gigantic hexagonal school-ground known for the versatile housing of all grades. All levels of education are taught in this one building and every floor traveled upward is another grade level higher. It has one ringlet of an elevator that runs along the entire length of the enormous cafeteria room. The cafeteria room is smack dab in the middle of Kingdom Academy and can be found on the very first floor. From kindergarten to college, all Nebulanians of all ages eat their lunch among one another.

  Middle Sphere—Nuel. This place has never been discussed. All I can say is that it was a place where Nebulanians from every Sphere used to gather. As to why, perhaps we’ll find out later in the series.

  Moon Wolves—The most loyal of Divinities. They stayed with the world even in its times of peace in case they were needed. A Moon Wolf is a legendary being passed on through Nebulanian history. They are capable of physically slipping through a dream and reality. They are believed to be holy messengers. They wait until the people rest, then howl throughout the night. While this would be seen as disturbing their sleep, the sound of their cries actually help a Nebulanian fall deeper into relaxation. The howls are said to carry a divine message for the one needing to hear it. But Moon Wolves are also well known for effective abilities in battle. It is believed in Nebulan that there truly is no limit to the amount of power a Moon Wolf can have. Below is a list of techniques we’ve learned:

  a.Active Avatar—Not widely believed possible, nor really deemed necessary—but this was during the time when Moon Wolves could slip between reality and dreams, not when they were imprisoned from their actual bodies. This ability enables pretty much the reverse of Aspirations Avatar. Instead of a body being built to inhabit dreams, this is a body fabricated in the real world. This is done by the sheer will of one who remains in the Dream Realm. The technique was an old folklore legend among Moon Wolves. It is said that there would be one who made an Active Avatar and commanded it in a time of crisis.

  b.Destructor Dome—This technique was originally used to destroy the constructs of one’s nightmares. The stronger the Moon Wolf, the wider its barrier can span. The white barrier emerging from them burns away negative energy and can alternatively be used to stave off demonic creatures.

  c.Gazing Grace—This move is accessible to the young and the old. Their eyes glow golden, and those who are fortunate enough to be in its line of sight are healed from all of their wounds. The catch, however, is that the Moon Wolf must remain still for Gazing Grace to work. Oh, and if one were to die in a realm beyond reality, this gaze can literally revive them from their death. Talk about man’s best friend.

  d.Sealing Star—This move is aptly named as it uses the star found on young Moon Wolves to halt objects in motion; this includes the gravity that would cause said object to go down. Whatever the Divinity focuses on becomes a stream of gold and freezes in its place. It is advised that the Moon Wolf in question sticks to small objects. The bigger and heavier an object is, the greater the strain is when using it.

  e.Shining Shift—A highly advanced technique that causes telekinetic abilities. Whatever objects these animals focus on are covered in a white-hot fire and can move to the Divinty’s liking.

  f.Webbed Wall—A trick used to seal doors and passage ways. Most commonly used in dream realms and nightmares to prevent the subconscious from opening doors they shouldn’t open just yet.

  Northern Sphere—Purington. The largest city that dwells in the middle of forests and meadows. Purington houses many vivid colors of plant life. It has a huge market set up along the width of its entire meadow. The market sells essentials but many tapestries and cloths, too. With so much natural beauty in one place, it’s no surprise most of its residents grow to be environmentalists. Puringtonians also develop a love of self-expression and many grow up to either serve Project: Eden (an organization dedicated to protecting and sustaining Nebulan’s life) or become famous artists. It has a gigantic school that holds all grades of educational levels. And it, last but not least, has a palace that the princess of the entire planet inhabits.

  Pentses—Nebulanian form of currency. They seem almost like gold quarters except for their slightly smaller size. Whatever number is inscribed onto the plate determines its worth.

  Power Battle—As the name implies, it refers to a fight using the Nebulanians’ Gifts as a form of combat. Usually a Power Battle is brought about when two people have opposing ideas or quarrels to settle and need to achieve some sort of closure. This method was made popular by the Coliseum in Deris, who’s founder invented the title as it is known today.

  Regular demons—These are the easiest to kill and there are no restrictions in doing so. It is uncommon for them to take on a humanoid shape, but not unheard of. Most, though, resemble twisted versions of animals.

  Sacreds—The full potential of a Nebulanian desiring to combat the demons. Their bodies get faster and stronger. Their enhanced abilities rival a demon’s own. They are known for their deft grace and their blinding speed. It’s not all fun and games though. There are three weaknesses every Sacred must be mind
ful of. They are as follows, in order of severity:

  1.Thirst—For reasons yet explained, the Sacreds have a desire to perform what is called Injesting—consuming the sinister blood of a demon. With regular demons this desire is not so costly, but fighting creatures empowered by sin can lead to terrible consequences.

  2.Emotions—Everything is intensified and accelerated for a Sacred, and that includes the whimsical nature of emotions. If they’re not careful, they can let these emotions get the best of them. If they don’t keep themselves under lock and key, they have a tendency of acting out and doing something they later on regret.

  3.Attention span—Heard of ADHD? Well, that affliction's got nothing on them. Being a creature of heightened senses, the world around them expands and every little thing becomes not so little anymore. If they’re not careful, they could wind up too focused on one particular thing and grow oblivious to a glaring truth right before them. A Sacred lacking the proper training usually winds up being a Sacred lacking another day on their planet.

  Sacred Markings/Age Lines—The Sacred Markings or Age Lines are the markings every Nebulanian bear on their face. They are bold lines running across the jaw horizontally and thinning near the corners of their lips, like it was done with a paintbrush. While both terms refer to the same subject, they have different connotations. Sacred Markings refer more to the blessings these markings produce. They believe the markings actually work as a signal that can connect, not just to each other, but to Heaven, as well. It is believed their God’s omniscient knowledge is poured selectively into the Nebulanians' markings—that this is how they are capable of speaking every language of every life form. The Nebulanians also believe the markings are responsible for enabling their God a way to send His Gifts. When they use the term Age Lines, however, it is to express the different colors they take on during their growth. Each color displays a certain age range that helps the Nebulanians roughly determine how old they are. For a more in-depth view of the Age Line process and multiple reasons for their usefulness, refer to Dr. Gerald’s notes located in the Preface.

  Sacred Speech—A technique Nebulanians are capable of since their birth. It allows a telepathic communication through their Sacred Markings. If the other Nebulanian accepts the reach out, the Sacred Markings of the person reaching out and the person being reached would glow with every syllable they pronounce. In the early years of a Nebulanian's life, they would use this ability solely to communicate to their parents. But as a Nebulanian grows older, they start to reach out to others, as well.

  Sky Sensors—They are machines programmed to do one thing and one thing alone—inform. These hovering spherical objects have a lens on their front that feeds what they see directly to the Demon Fighter’s HQ. It was determined that the barrier, because of their puny power levels, did not recognize some demons, allowing them to inconspicuously invade. Setting up these smart cameras in the sky was their answer for this problem. Now, whenever a demon finds its way there, the cameras notices their evil aura and sends a GPS signal for the Fighters. This allows them to pinpoint the demons' location and deal with the invaders accordingly.

  Soulless Beings—No matter what kind of enemy that comes from Hell, they are the same in one department: their soul—or lack, thereof. They have no soul to depend on and therefore, only feel what they’re created to feel. They have no choices and no ability to defy Hell. And without a soul, they couldn’t care less about this.

  Southern Sphere—Piore. This Sphere is said to be a place where the heat of the sun never seems to wane. The Nebulanians here are the closest to the Great Depths, the name of the planet’s single ocean. Pioreians are well known for their taste in seafood and laid-back attitudes. Many fishermen come to Piore to make their living. It is said that Heaven’s grace reflects on the body of water and unconditionally grants every fisherman a bounty of some sort.

  Sphere—In short, it’s a Nebulanian term for the area they live in, e.g., Northern Sphere, Western Sphere, etc. It’s regarded like the Earthians regard a continent.

  St. John—Standard handguns given to the Demon Fighters when they join their cause. They are used for combating any threats that have the misfortune of stumbling onto Nebulan territory.

  Thirst—For reasons yet explained, the Sacreds have a desire to perform what is called Injesting—consuming the sinister blood of a demon. The desire of devouring unholy blood and the burning squeeze to a Sacred’s throat for it is called their Thirst. With regular demons, this desire is not so costly, but fighting creatures empowered by sin can lead to terrible consequences.

  Turbo-Powered Sky Board—Or for short, Sky Board. It’s a mode of transportation that’s all the rage on Nebulan. It has a way of getting into the brain when the board is stepped on, and I mean that quite literally. It also connects the rider to itself, to the point where it truly feels like another part of the rider’s body. The owner can even move it with their mind. It operates only after verifying their memories and their DNA. When it acknowledges them, it uses an ability to keep their feet on the board without ever having the need for straps. Nebulanians are baffled as to how this feature works. But Jet might figure it out one day—and this knowledge may just prevent him from falling into a sticky situation.

  Western Sphere—Falia. Recently dubbed the “Land of Beasts”. If the name isn’t enough of a hint, this place isn’t a warm and fuzzy spot to go on vacation. Ever since the Dark War, Falia is known for a mysterious breed of Nebulanians that seem almost invulnerable. Their attitudes have been known to get them into many disputes, letting the simplest things separate them. The Falians live in dome-shaped buildings, and instead of a market, they have monthly hunting tournaments to bring home game and food. The winner with the most gets to sit amongst their Royals and share a feast with them. Not one Falian has ever come back empty-handed.

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